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You Are Not Alone

Writer's picture: Anglican FuturesAnglican Futures

Updated: Aug 13, 2024

One of the joys of being an Anglican - is the global nature of the fellowship -

which brings clarity and wisdom to situations that close-up seem muddled and unmanageable.

This blog simply brings together snippets from some of the many responses

to the Church of England Bishops' proposals to introduce 'Prayers of Love and Faith.'

Open the links to see these quotes in context.

In a gracious, but clear, speech, at General Synod, the Most Revd Dr Fawzy Shehata, the Archbishop of the Province of Alexandria, warned the Church of England:

"The Holy Spirit reminds us of Jesus' teaching - I cannot imagine we can understand Jesus' teaching better than the Apostles of the Early Church.

In our understanding of human sexuality there is a red line that we will never cross. Crossing this line of blessing same-sex unions will alienate 75% of the Anglican Communion and endanger the ecumenical and interfaith dialogue. This shift in practice will lead eventually to impaired and broken communion.

We inherited the traditional orthodox faith of the Church of England. Please do not surrender your unique position as the ‘Mother Church’ of the Anglican Communion.

It is your choice.”


His warnings were ignored by all but four of those in the House of Bishops.

The statements that have flooded the internet over the past few days show this was no empty threat. "It is ridiculous that the Church of England affirms to remain faithful to the traditional teachings of marriage, yet have sanctioned the so-called prayers of love to be used in their churches to bless unions between persons of same-sex. This is hypocritical and a blatant lie for there is only one truth and not many versions or opinions of it" Anglican Church of Kenya

"If the Bishops genuinely love the people in their care, they will think twice about their ongoing redefinition of what constitutes sin. To continue down that path is to deny those caught in those circumstances the opportunity to repent.... It is not about our opinions, passion, or emotional disposition. Their job as shepherds of the flock of Christ in their care is to tend and feed them with the undiluted Word of God unto life and maturity and not to lead them astray. It is also to uphold Christian doctrine handed down over the centuries. It is time for them to repent and return to our spiritual foundations." Church of Nigeria

"We now want to ask the Church of England, “Do you have the integrity to step out of the Anglican Communion because you have departed from the Anglican faith?” God called you to preach a Gospel of repentance and faith. Instead, you’re like Jonah. You have disobeyed and are running in the opposite direction." Church of Uganda "The Archbishop of Canterbury has abrogated his fiduciary responsibility and violated his consecration vows to “banish and drive away from the Church all erroneous and strange doctrine contrary to God’s Word” with his advocating this change in the Church of England. He is shredding the last remaining fragile fabric of the Anglican Communion." Gafcon

"In view of these developments, the GSFA will be taking decisive steps towards re-setting the Anglican Communion (as outlined in our ‘Communique’ following the 2022 Lambeth Conference). Orthodox Provinces in GSFA are not leaving the Anglican Communion, but with great sadness must recognise that the Church of England has now joined those Provinces with which communion is impaired. The historical Church which spawned the global Communion, and which for centuries was accorded ‘first among equals’ status, has now triggered a widespread loss of confidence in her leadership of the Communion."

"For the moment we would commend to you as members of the EFAC Global family this declaration:

We declare that the Church of England, in making this change, has departed from the faith which is revealed in the holy scriptures and set forth in the catholic creeds to which the historic formularies of the Church of England bear witness."

We grieve with those who have been dismayed and heartbroken by this betrayal in the abandonment of the sufficiency and supremacy of scripture which has until now been the bedrock and rule of the Church of England. We honour those who have courageously contended for orthodoxy and those who continue to hold out the biblical life-giving teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ. We especially feel the pain of those who continue to make costly stands for godliness and have been abandoned by those who were meant to shepherd and protect them.

Whilst individuals will need time to prayerfully process the implications of this apostasy and to seek the Lord’s leading for their own positions and ministry, they should know 'they are not alone and they have a home’ within the global Gafcon family..." Anglican Network in Europe


A red line has been crossed. The Anglican Communion, which was already struggling to 'walk together,' has entered into a new phase. Even the Anglican Consultative Council, meeting in Ghana this week, realise change is needed, but their talking shop is likely to be overtaken by the actions of the leaders of Gafcon and GSFA, who represent the 75% of the Anglican Communion alienated by this decision. They have said they will come together at GAFCON (the Global Anglican Futures Conference) in Kigali, Rwanda, in April. Pray for them and for all who love the Lord Jesus.

ALMIGHTY and everliving God, who by thy holy Apostle hast taught us to make prayers and supplications, and to give thanks, for all men: We humbly beseech thee

most mercifully to receive these our prayers, which we offer unto thy Divine Majesty; beseeching thee to inspire continually the universal Church with the spirit of truth, unity, and concord: And grant, that all they that do confess thy holy Name may agree in the truth of thy holy Word, and live in unity, and godly love.

(BCP - Prayer for Christ's Church militant here on earth)


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Feb 16, 2023

Thank you for this convenient summary - one I can circulate to my PCC - and your really helpful series of recent blog posts - your work is much appreciated as I seek to understand and navigate a response to the current situation.

Feb 17, 2023
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Glad to be of help.


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